What is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a malware program that has the potential to destroy the computer files.
Who develops Ransomware?
For sure It should be developed by worst person to ever live on this planet who coded to display a message to the user demanding money so that they will be providing a solution to fix it.
How is Ransomware Spread?
Ransomware is spread through deceptive links in an email message, instant message or website or with other software's.
What is their mission?
Their mission is often targeted at accomplishing unlawful tasks such as robbing protected data, deleting confidential documents or add software without the user consent.
Will they fix if we meet their demands?
It would be interesting to know that how it can be assured that they will fix the problem even if we transfer the money that they are asking for. There is no possibility to identify to whom we are paying the money to which account and where that person lives. The account they provide will be mostly bitcoin accounts.
What is the solution if affected by Ransomware?
Whether you believe or not, Most of the Ransomware affected files cannot be recovered. Only very few can be recovered but still it is not sure whether it will meet what we are looking for.
What to do to protect from Ransomware?
Protecting from Ransomware in todays real world is not that easy as we speak. Since Ransomware is spread through external source we should be very careful when ever we are trying to communicate with external source. Best suggestion would be using the real-time malware detecting tools like
Malwarebytes. But also it is recommended that backing up of files often should never be ignored.
Some of the examples and traces left by Ransomware are
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