Front End | c# .net |
Back End | Ms access |
No.Of.Users | Unlimited |
Storage Limit | Unlimited |
Framework | 4.5 |
The List Of Modules in ClinicMate are
1. Login page
In Clinic and Pharmacy Management system, an user need to enter User Name and Password for secure purpose of the software.
2. Home page
This page contains Registration, Patients forms including In and Out Patients, Billing, tools, Medicine Purchases and stock list also.
3. Patient Registration
In Patient Registration, New Patient register will be done. we can fix how long the registration is? by using the renew date. During this period, patient can use the register number to get the appointment, etc.. w can get information by double clicking the grid sheet for edit the details and can update or can delete the patient details.
4. In Patient Entry
This Patient Entry module contains Patient medical history and also with doctor’s advise. Payment advance and dues details also available. GET option is an easy way to drop the information about patients by entering the register number. We can update the details of the patients and also delete. Symbol ‘*’ is mandatory blanks to fill the details.
5. Out Patient Entry
For out patients also have the register number. once they registered, it stored in the database. it gives the patient treatment information and which doctor is consulting. Fees amount also we can save.
6. Patient Full Record
In this module,we enter the register number it get the information about patient details from In and Out patient list. It track full details easily.
7. Purchase
In purchase module, it have an information about the medicines with purchase ID, supplier details, Product details with expiry date, discount percentage and total rate of the medicines.
8. Stock
The stock details of the medicines and it exporter the details in excel worksheet also to take a printout or for any otherpurpose.
9. Billing
In billing Process, it uses in pharmacy for bill the medicine. Invoice bill number and date available with prescribed doctor and patient name and also with expiry date.
10. Doctor Entry
Doctor Registration Module, it list out the number of doctors is coming to the hospital. This page contains Doctor’s detail with ID, specialist in which problem and phone number.
11. Supplier Entry
The medicinal supplier details can see here. It gives only the supplier details with name, Id, website URL, etc..
12. Manufacturer Entry
This manufacturer entry contains the name who manufactures the medicine. we can add or remove the manufacturer from the list.
13. Medicine Entry
It list out the medicine what we bought before. we can add the medicine or update the medicine name and also with the option to delete the medicine from list.
14. Pack Size
Pack Size module is used to save the size of the product pack using the mille liltre and mille gram. we can add or remove pack size
15. Purchase Record
Items purchasing record in this what we have purchased with product ID, supplier name, bill number, Quantity of purchase and free piece includes discount and tax amount and grand total of the single purchase.
16. Purchase Information
In purchase information, it gives the information about billed date and amount that have any dues or pending.
17. Patients Report
It give the patient reports, while enter the register number or patient name it list down the patient. we can export into an excel worksheet.
18. In Patients Report
In patient report, the patient details with admitted date, discharge date, treatment with doctor advice and also with amount paid in advance and payment dues also.
19. Out Patients Report
Out patient Reports, it gives the patient register no. and name with date and treatment information and also with Payment.
20. Patient Full Report
In patient full report, enter the register number it get an information about the patient from both the list information.
21. Doctors Report
In patient full report, enter the register number it get an information about the patient from both the list information.
22. Sales Report By invoice Date
Sales report by invoice number, in this page we need to provide the invoice number and date from the supplier with full details of the billing process with tax%, tax amount, payment dues and total payment with grand total.
23. Sales Report By Payment Due
In this payment due report, it filters only the payment due list with from-to date and invoice number and date also available.
24. Supplier Report
In this supplier report, it list down all the supplier. we enter the supplier name it get the information about the particular supplier products details.
25. About
It gives about the clinic software installation date and time. and also provide the copyright of the software.
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